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Best Ways to Sell Your Old Clothes

Writer's picture: olivia showersolivia showers

I am hoping that I am not the only one that has wayyy too many clothes in my closet & I am assuming that if you are here, I'm not!

So welcome to how I go through my closet, sell my clothes, & what I do with the rest!

My Closet Organization

1. Sorting through your closet

Personally, I feel like my closet is pretty well organized & I think that this is an important part of going through your clothes. It can be a fun day (or night if you are a night owl) project.

When I start out, I typically go section by section through my closet & pull everything out. As I look at clothes, I try on things that I am unsure about to see if I really love them. If they don't fall into the "love" category, they are automatically sale item.

If you still feel like your closet is too full, I recommend finding out what pieces of clothing that you actually wear. There are apps for this (of course!!) like ClosetApp or Stylebook, but I could never really get into those types of apps; more power too you if you can, but I tend to organize the old fashioned way!

At the beginning of a new season, school year, etc. I flip all of my clothes around so the hanger is hanging the opposite way, and then whenever I wear a particular item of clothing, I flip the hanger the correct way. At the end of the season, it is super easy to see the clothes that you never wore & those can go straight into the sale pile as well.

2. Pricing your items

This is the part of the process that I struggle with most. I am literally sooooo bad at decided how much things should be sold for. Luckily, depending on how you are planning on selling, you do not always have to decide what they are worth.

But if you do have to price your items, I have a few recommendations. The first is to look on other sales sites, your local resale shops, etc. to see what items normally go for. Moms (at least mine) tends to be really helpful when it comes to pricing as well, so they can be a good resource!

Make sure you take into account how much you paid for the item as well! Some brand are more expensive than others, so you want to make sure you are not underselling your items if they are more high end!

3. Places to sell

My selling process takes a few steps & a few different platforms, but it can help to make the most of the clothes that you want to sell! One of the first things that I do is take all of my photos of my clothes, so that they are easy to post on any platform.

My Instagram Closet !!

Some of the first things that I do is post my clothes on the Facebook Marketplace as well as Poshmark. You can check out my Poshmark here:

These are convenient because you set your own rates & tend to get the most for you money. I personally LOVE Poshmark because they charge the shipping fees on their own, so you do not have to worry about it. They send you the label, you attach it to the package, and that is it! No stamps needed.

I also have an instagram page that I sell my clothes from that is a little more direct! If you want to check it out, dm me (@o.livscloset) what item you want as well as "vialorraineblog" to get $2 off of whatever you buy! You will also get a hand made bandeau headband :) I like the instagram page because it feels more personal than my other platforms because I can connect with people better!

If you are wanting a little bit of instant cash from your clothes, check out your local resale stores! These types of places are great because you can bring your clothes in & they will go through it, decide what to keep, & pay you for those items. Be aware though, that you do not typically get a lot from these types of places because they have to make a profit as well, but it is something!!

4. What do do with the left overs?

I do a couple different things with my leftover clothes. The first is saving things that may come back in style in the future. Maybe you are getting rid of clothes that seem "out of style" but as we have seen with bell bottoms, crop tops, and other styles of the past, some things come back around & it have be fun to pull some of your old clothes out!

Finally after I have gone through all my clothes, I donate them! Donating clothes is a really great thing to do not only for the environment, but for those in your community that may need more help than others. I support places like St. Vinnys & Goodwill, but I personally think that clothing drives, homeless or woman shelters, and school district community closets make a more direct impact on my community!

What ever way you choose to donate, just know that you are making an impact somewhere! It can feel really great tot help out your community, & this is a simple way to do it!

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im olivia showers (but may also be referred to as liv, via, o, & the girl who should have no business being a lifestyle blogger). Long story short, I am a 19 year old vegetarian, coffee & music loving, confused business major trying to figure out how to do this thing called life. so after all of that...

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